If you’re an avid crafter and looking for a new creative hobby, you’ve come to the right place. There’s nothing better than a good DIY project. The right one can leave you occupied for weeks or even months.
But, there are always those projects that can leave you frustrated and infuriated all at the same time, especially if you can’t get the hang of it. That’s what we’re trying to avoid. Crafting should be a relaxing activity that provides an imaginative outlet to get all those creative juices flowing.
Why not pick a craft that speaks to you on a personal level? Well, more specifically, something that aligns with your personality type.
When you choose to focus on the strengths associated with your personality type, engagement increases, and your brain could even enter into a natural state of flow. Essentially, you’ll be “chillaxing”.
While we love a good bottle of wine to solve all our problems, this could quite possibly be the next best thing! Here’s what crafting projects to try based on your personality type.
The Introvert – Friendship Bracelets
If you’re the type of person that envisions the perfect Saturday night as a good movie paired with a big bowl of popcorn, this could be the project for you. It’s a bit of a plot twist. While you much prefer alone-time rather than friend-time, this could be your outlet to further connect with your friend group (without having to join them for brunch every weekend). It will show your caring nature and help your friends feel appreciated. So – go ahead and tap into those summer camp feels and make some friendship bracelets!
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences

The Philosopher – Painting
Is your mind always wandering? Channel that inventiveness and unique perspective into a painting. Even if your mind leads you in a more “scientific discovery” realm, try something that uses the creative side of your brain. You could even gear the painting theme towards a combination of abstract and precision. So, watch a YouTube video, get your supplies, grab that paintbrush, and start creating your masterpiece. Who knows, maybe you’re the next da Vinci?
The Ultimate Optimist – Gardening
Is your vibrant energy contagious? Embrace those big ideas and sense of hope into gardening. Starting a garden, no matter how big or small will allow you to look at the bigger picture. Plus, you’ll be able to nurture something from the ground up (literally). You could even tap into your caring, compassionate nature and donate some of your herbs to people in need.
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences

The Over-Thinker – Knitting
Does your mind race no matter what time of day it is? Such a task can prove to be exhausting, and hopefully, knitting can help to slow everything down. Just as you may compose your actions carefully and methodically in the real world, you can follow the same outlook when it comes to knitting. But – without the added pressure. It’s a tangible outlet to channel your goals.
The Executive – Organize Your House
Are you a dedicated, strong-willed type of person? Channel that goaloriented energy into something productive, like organizing your closet. It’ll make you feel accomplished when it’s all said and done. Because there’s no worse feeling than spending hours on a project where there’s no concrete progress or outcome. Cleverly-organizing could be your outlet to get out all that pent-up, go-getter energy (while still being productive). So, head to your nearest IKEA and pick up the space dividers and bookshelves that most speak to you.
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences

The Extrovert – Photo Journaling
Are you packed full of passion, charisma, and self-confidence? It looks like you’re the protagonist of your own life. Not only that, you take pride and joy in helping others. Lean into those strengths with a photo journal. Making a photo journal will allow you to exert all that extroversion energy but in a creative way. Plus, this project gives you the perfect excuse to get out in the world, create new adventures, and snap a photo while doing it!
When you channel your energy into something that specifically targets your personality type, the results are mind-boggling. It’ll allow you to fully escape the world for a minute and dive into a project that doesn’t lose your attention for a second. It’s almost like a pressure point, and once you hit the right spot, you’ll be in your own little state of Zen. It’ll be the ultimate bliss.